# LibESTA This collection of libraries serve as a testbed for ESTA sponsored ANSI standards on embedded platforms. ## Supported Standards | Protocol Name | Standard | Implementation Status | | :- | :-: | :-: | | 0 to 10 V Analog Control | E1.3 | | | USITT DMX512-A | E1.11 | Data Abstraction | | ACN Root Layer Protocol (RLP) | E1.17 | Rx | | ACN Session Data Transport Protocol (SDT) | E1.17 | | | ACN Device Management Protocol (DMP) | E1.17 | Limited | | ACN Device Description Language (DDL) | E1.17 | | | EPI 10 - Autogeneration of Multicast Address on IPv4 Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 11 - Retrieval of Device Descriptions from DMP Devices on IPv4 Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 12 - ACN on Homogeneous Ethernet Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 13 - Allocation of Internet Protocol Version 4 Addresses to ACN Hosts | E1.17 | | | EPI 15 - ACN Allocation of Multicast Addresses on IPv4 Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 16 - ESTA Registered Names and Identifiers | E1.17 | | | EPI 17 - ACN Root Layer Protocol Operation on UDP | E1.17 | Rx | | EPI 18 - Operation of SDT on UDP Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 19 - ACN Discovery on IP Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 20 - MTU Size for ACN on IPv4 Networks | E1.17 | | | EPI 22 - DDL Core Modules for ACN Devices | E1.17 | | | Remote Device Management (RDM) | E1.20 | | | EPI 23 - Device Identification Subdevice | E1.30-1 | | | EPI 25 - Time Reference in ACN Systems Using SNTP and NTP | E1.30-3 | | | EPI 26 - DDL Extensions for DMX and RDM Devices | E1.30-4 | | | EPI 32 - Identification of Draft DDL Modules | E1.30-10 | | | EPI 33 - ACN RLP Operation on TCP | E1.30-11 | | | Streaming ACN (sACN) | E1.31 | Data | | RDMNet | E1.33 | | | RDM Dimmer Message Sets | E1.37-1 | | | RDM IPv4 & DNS Configuration Messages | E1.37-2 | | | RDM Gateway & Splitter Configuration Messages | E1.37-7 | | ### Dependent Protocols | Protocol Name | Standard | Referenced By | Implementation Status | | :- | :-: |:-: | :-: | |UUID Universally Unique Identifier | RFC 4122 | RLP, DDL | Partial | |Service Location Protocol (SLP) | RFC 2609 | EPI 19 | | |Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) | RFC 1350 | EPI 25 | |