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"""comment.py: Hog 4 comment macro interpreter and OSC bridge."""
import configparser
import logging
from typing import Dict
from antlr4 import CommonTokenStream, InputStream, ParseTreeWalker
from antlr4.error.ErrorListener import ErrorListener
from pythonosc import udp_client
from .commentmacro.CommentMacroLexer import CommentMacroLexer
from .commentmacro.CommentMacroParser import CommentMacroParser
from .OscListener import OscCommentMacroListener
__all__ = [
class SyntaxErrorListener(ErrorListener):
"""An error listener that raises SyntaxError exceptions."""
def syntaxError(self, recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e):
raise SyntaxError("line {}:{} {}".format(line, column, msg))
def load_config(file: str = 'server.cfg') -> Dict[int, object]:
"""Load an ini style configuration file."""
# empty server dictionary
servers: Dict[int, object] = {}
# open config file
config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
# set up each hog device
for name in config.get('network', 'hogs').split(','):
# move to config section
server = config[name.strip().strip('\"')]
# read settings
addr = server.get("ip", fallback="")
port = server.getint("port", fallback=7001)
net = server.getint("net", fallback=1)
# osc clients are added to the dictionary with the net # as the key
logging.info("Adding Hog device at net# %d", str(net))
servers[net] = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient(addr, port)
except KeyError as exception:
print('Error configuring net#', net, exception)
return servers
# init reusable walker and listener
WALKER: ParseTreeWalker = ParseTreeWalker()
LISTENER: OscCommentMacroListener = OscCommentMacroListener()
def comment(text: str) -> None:
"""Process comment macro input."""
# force upper case
text = text.upper()
# generate text stream
input_stream = InputStream(text)
# lex the text stream
lexer = CommentMacroLexer(input_stream)
# get token stream from lexer
stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
# parse the token steam
parser = CommentMacroParser(stream)
# attach an error handler to the parser
# get tree from parser
tree = parser.prog()
# walk the tree
except SyntaxError as exception:
logging.debug(exception) # antlr internal listener prints the error
# # log it to the debug logging anyway