#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """comment.py: Hog 4 comment macro interpreter and OSC bridge.""" __author__ = "Kevin Matz" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Company 235, LLC" __credits__ = ["Kevin Matz"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.0.1" __maintainer__ = "Kevin Matz" __email__ = "kevin@company235.com" __status__ = "Prototype" import antlr4 import configparser import readline import signal import sys from CommentMacroLexer import CommentMacroLexer from CommentMacroParser import CommentMacroParser from pythonosc import osc_message_builder from pythonosc import udp_client from time import sleep class hog4_osc: 'A Hog 4 OSC device on the network' def __init__(self, ip, port, net): self.ip = ip self.port = port self.net = net self.osc = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient(ip, port) # refactor this to support multiple net#s config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.read('server.cfg') server = config['hog4'] hog4 = hog4_osc(server.get("ip", ""), server.getint("port", 6600), server.getint("net", 1)) def _master_go(expr): if (expr.master().getText() == "*"): print("Main GO") hog4.osc.send_message("/hog/hardware/maingo", 1) # button down button_delay() hog4.osc.send_message("/hog/hardware/maingo", 0) # button up return 1 print("GO Master is a stub") return -1 def _master_halt(expr): print("Halt Master is a stub") return -1 def _master_release(expr): print("Release Master is a stub") return -1 def _master_fade(expr): print("Fade Master is a stub") return -1 def _master_fade_grand(expr): try: level = float(expr.number().getText()) except ValueError: print("Expected a number...") return -1 if (level < 0 or level > 100): print("Level must be between 0 and 100.") return -1 print("Fading Grand Master to " + str(level) + "%") level *= 255 / 100 # percent in Macro, 0>255 in OSC hog4.osc.send_message("/hog/hardware/fader/0", level) return 1 def _master_choose(expr): try: master = int(expr.number().getText()) except ValueError: print("Expected a number...") return -1 if (master < 0): print("Master must be greater than 0.") return -1 print("Choose Master " + str(master)) hog4.osc.send_message("/hog/hardware/choose/" + str(master), 1) # down button_delay() hog4.osc.send_message("/hog/hardware/choose/" + str(master), 0) # up return 1 def _list_go(expr): print("Go List is a stub") return -1 def _list_halt(expr): print("Halt List is a stub") return -1 def _list_release(expr): print("Release List is a stub") return -1 def _scene_go(expr): print("Go Scene is a stub") return -1 def _scene_halt(expr): print("Halt Scene is a stub") return -1 def _scene_release(expr): print("Release Scene is a stub") return -1 command = {"GM": _master_go, "HM": _master_halt, "RM": _master_release, "FM": _master_fade, "FGM": _master_fade_grand, "CM": _master_choose, "GL": _list_go, "HL": _list_halt, "RL": _list_release, "GS": _scene_go, "HS": _scene_halt, "RS": _scene_release } def button_delay(time=0.05): sleep(time) def comment(text): input_stream = antlr4.InputStream(text) lexer = CommentMacroLexer(input_stream) stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = CommentMacroParser(stream) tree = parser.macro() lisp_tree_str = tree.toStringTree(recog=parser) print(beautify_lisp_string(lisp_tree_str)) name = tree.children[0].getText() try: command[name](tree) except KeyError: print(name + " macro is not compatable with OSC.") return -1 return 1 def orderly_exit(signal=None, frame=None): print('Goodbye.') sys.exit(0) # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jszheng/py3antlr4book/master/bin/pygrun # this is a python version of TestRig def beautify_lisp_string(in_string): __author__ = 'jszheng' indent_size = 2 add_indent = ' ' * indent_size out_string = in_string[0] # no indent for 1st ( indent = '' for i in range(1, len(in_string) - 1): if in_string[i] == '(' and in_string[i + 1] != ' ': indent += add_indent out_string += "\n" + indent + '(' elif in_string[i] == ')': out_string += ')' if len(indent) > 0: indent = indent.replace(add_indent, '', 1) else: out_string += in_string[i] return out_string if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, orderly_exit) if len(sys.argv) > 1: comment(sys.argv[1]) else: while True: text = input("comment# ") if text == 'exit': orderly_exit() comment(text)