Fork 0

add the referance section

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Matz 2019-07-31 12:04:22 -04:00
parent eabcd5fa56
commit 09d50c37a9
1 changed files with 28 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -68,3 +68,31 @@ while arm.r.isMoving():
## Referance
### Scripting Commands
Multiple script commands given on the same line must be seperated with a semicolon (*;*).
#### go coordinates | axis_name vale | preset_name
Set target coordinates for the arm. Movement will not begin until the command statement is complete
###### coordinates
Go to the coordinates given as *{value, value, value, value}*. Values must be integers. Values may be given in either decimal or hexidecimal notation. Omitted values will be accepted as *null* and will not effect the arm position.
###### axis_name value
Move the named axis to the given value. Names must be defined in the configuration file as the intiger index of the axis in the command protocol. Values must be integers. Values may be in decimal or hexidecimal notation.
###### preset_name
Move the robot to the named corrdinates defined in the configuration file. Coordinates must be defined in decimal notation.
#### pause time
###### time
Do nothing for the length of time.
#### wait (time)
Wait for the arm to stop moving.
###### time
If time is given, pause for that amout of time after movement has completed. If time is omitted, do the next command immediatly after movement stops.
#### pass
Do nothing.
### Shell Commands
#### exit
End the shell session.
#### quit
Same as exit.