/* ESPAsyncE131.h Project: ESPAsyncE131 - Asynchronous E.131 (sACN) library for Arduino ESP8266 and ESP32 Copyright (c) 2019 Shelby Merrick http://www.forkineye.com This program is provided free for you to use in any way that you wish, subject to the laws and regulations where you are using it. Due diligence is strongly suggested before using this code. Please give credit where due. The Author makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with regard to this program or the documentation contained in this document. The Author shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance or use of these programs. */ #ifndef ESPASYNCE131_H_ #define ESPASYNCE131_H_ #include #include #include "dmx_universe.h" // Defaults #define E131_DEFAULT_PORT 5568 // E1.31 Packet Offsets #define E131_ROOT_PREAMBLE_SIZE 0 #define E131_ROOT_POSTAMBLE_SIZE 2 #define E131_ROOT_ID 4 #define E131_ROOT_FLENGTH 16 #define E131_ROOT_VECTOR 18 #define E131_ROOT_CID 22 #define E131_FRAME_FLENGTH 38 #define E131_FRAME_VECTOR 40 #define E131_FRAME_SOURCE 44 #define E131_FRAME_PRIORITY 108 #define E131_FRAME_RESERVED 109 #define E131_FRAME_SEQ 111 #define E131_FRAME_OPT 112 #define E131_FRAME_UNIVERSE 113 #define E131_DMP_FLENGTH 115 #define E131_DMP_VECTOR 117 #define E131_DMP_TYPE 118 #define E131_DMP_ADDR_FIRST 119 #define E131_DMP_ADDR_INC 121 #define E131_DMP_COUNT 123 #define E131_DMP_DATA 125 // E1.31 Packet Structure typedef union { struct { // Root Layer uint16_t preamble_size; uint16_t postamble_size; uint8_t acn_id[12]; uint16_t root_flength; uint32_t root_vector; uint8_t cid[16]; // Frame Layer uint16_t frame_flength; uint32_t frame_vector; uint8_t source_name[64]; uint8_t priority; uint16_t reserved; uint8_t sequence_number; uint8_t options; uint16_t universe; // DMP Layer uint16_t dmp_flength; uint8_t dmp_vector; uint8_t type; uint16_t first_address; uint16_t address_increment; uint16_t property_value_count; uint8_t property_values[513]; } __attribute__((packed)); uint8_t raw[638]; } e131_packet_t; // Error Types typedef enum { ERROR_NONE, ERROR_IGNORE, ERROR_ACN_ID, ERROR_PACKET_SIZE, ERROR_VECTOR_ROOT, ERROR_VECTOR_FRAME, ERROR_VECTOR_DMP } e131_error_t; // Status structure typedef struct { uint32_t num_packets; uint32_t packet_errors; IPAddress last_clientIP; uint16_t last_clientPort; unsigned long last_seen; } e131_stats_t; typedef std::function E131PacketHandlerFunction; class ESPAsyncE131 { public: ESPAsyncE131(); bool subscribe(uint16_t universe = 1); static void dumpError(e131_packet_t *packet, e131_error_t error); static IPAddress E131MulticastAddress(uint16_t universe); Universe * universe(uint16_t num) { return universes_.at(num); } e131_stats_t stats; // Statistics tracker private: // Constants for packet validation static const uint8_t ACN_ID[]; static const uint32_t VECTOR_ROOT = 4; static const uint32_t VECTOR_FRAME = 2; static const uint8_t VECTOR_DMP = 2; e131_packet_t *buff_; // Pointer to scratch packet buffer AsyncUDP udp; // AsyncUDP // UDP packet parser callback void parsePacket(AsyncUDPPacket); std::unordered_map universes_; }; #endif // ESPASYNCE131_H_