# onsetswitch Use buttons connected to a Rasberry Pi GPIO to trigger Hog 4 comment macros. This readme assumes that you have: 1. a working and updated Rasberry Pi, 1. with ssh access already set up, 1. and a static IP address on HogNet. Beginner users will also want: * Internet access on HogNet during setup. ## Installing ``` cd /home/pi git clone https://git.company235.com/kevin/onsetswitch.git cd onsetswitch ``` ## Configuring ### Input Connect one side of the button to ground, the other to a GPIO pin. ![](https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_images/button_bb.svg) Configure the buttons: ``` nano buttons.cfg ``` ### Output Configure the Hog4 OSC server: ``` nano server.cfg ``` ## Enabling on Boot Link the onsetswitch service file to systemd: ``` sudo ln -s buttons.service /lib/systemd/system/buttons.service ``` Enable the service at startup: ``` sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable buttons.service ``` Reboot the Rasberry Pi: ``` sudo reboot ```