# ContactPi Use buttons connected to a Rasberry Pi GPIO to trigger Hog 4 comment macros. > If you are new to Raspberry Pi consider reading some [brief introductory tips.](https://thepihut.com/blogs/raspberry-pi-tutorials/the-raspberry-pi-tutorial-beginners-guide) ## Preparing the Raspberry Pi * Install Raspbian [the usual way.](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md) * Enable the ssh server. - On a Mac within the terminal: ``` > touch /Volumes/boot/ssh ``` - On Windows: 1. Go to the boot folder created on the SD card 2. Create a blank text document named SSH * Eject the SD card and boot the Raspberry Pi. * Use SSH to log into the Pi from your computers Command Line (Windows) or Terminal (Mac): ``` > ssh pi@PI_IP_ADDRESS ``` * The default password is `raspberry`. * Use `sudo raspi-config` to; - set locale - set timezone - enlarge the file-system to fill the SD card - reboot * Update the package manager and install the aptitude program. ``` > sudo apt-get update > sudo apt-get install aptitude ``` * Use aptitude to upgrade the Pi. ``` > sudo aptitude upgrade ``` * Reboot the Pi. ``` > sudo shutdown -r now ``` * Logging back into the Pi, install sane set of software packages. ``` > sudo aptitude install git python3-pip python3-gpiozero > sudo pip3 install gpiozero antlr4-python3-runtime python-osc ``` ## Installing * Change directory into `/home/pi`: ``` > cd /home/pi ``` > If you didn't notice any change you might already be in the correct directory. You can confirm this by using the command `pwd` to print the working directory. It should print: `/home/pi` * Download ContactPi: ``` > git clone --recurse-submodules https://git.company235.com/kevin/ContactPi.git ``` * Change directory into ContactPi: ``` > cd ContactPi ``` ## Enabling on Boot * Link the service file to systemd: ``` > sudo cp buttons.service /lib/systemd/system/buttons.service ``` * Enable the service at startup: ``` > sudo systemctl daemon-reload > sudo systemctl enable buttons.service ``` * Start the buttons service: ``` > sudo systemctl start buttons.service ``` ## Hardware Setup * Connect one side of the button to ground, the other to a GPIO pin. ![](https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_images/button_bb.svg) You may use any of the numbered GPIO pins available on the PI: ![](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/gpio/images/GPIO.png) ## Configuring ### Buttons and Macros >Nano is a command line text editor that is available by default on the Pi. For a usage overview, read [The Beginner's Guide to Nano](https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42980/the-beginners-guide-to-nano-the-linux-command-line-text-editor/) * Use nano to configure the pinout and macro settings. ``` > nano buttons.cfg ``` This file configures which Raspberry Pi GPIO pins trigger which comment macros. The `button` section contains a comma separated list of named button sections. This is a sample buttons.cfg file: ``` [button] names=switch1,switch2,switch3,switch4 [switch1] pin: 12 close: "gl21/2" open: "gl21/1" [switch2] pin: 16 close: "gl22/2" open: "gl22/1" [switch3] pin: 20 close: "gl23/2" open: "gl23/1" [switch4] pin: 21 close: "gl24/2" open: "gl24/1" ``` > ContactPi uses [Bacon Script](https://git.company235.com/kevin/baconscript) to abstract the underlying OSC. The [README](https://git.company235.com/kevin/baconscript/src/branch/master/README.md) file of that project contains additional details about the syntax for configuring comment macros. * Once the file has been configured press `ctrl+x` to exit. ### Hog Servers * Use nano to configure the Hog server settings. ``` > nano server.cfg ``` > Contact Pi only sends OSC commands to the first server in this list unless the net number is explicitly specified in the comment macro. > `EXAMPLEh22`. This is a sample server.cfg file: ``` [network] hogs = hog4_235, hedgehog_235, server_pc, server_rackhog [hog4_235] ip: port: 7001 net: 53 [hedgehog_235] ip: port: 7001 net: 63 [server_pc] ip: port: 7001 net: 12 [server_rackhog] ip: port: 7001 net: 22 ``` * Once the file has been configured `ctrl+x` to exit. * Restart buttons.service to apply changes. ``` > sudo systemctl restart buttons.service ``` * Check the status of the `buttons` systemd service. ``` > sudo systemctl status buttons.service ● buttons.service - OSC Button Watcher Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/buttons.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-11-20 14:27:43 EST; 3s ago Main PID: 1032 (python3) Tasks: 6 (limit: 1433) CGroup: /system.slice/buttons.service └─1032 /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/ContactPi/buttond.py Nov 20 14:27:43 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started OSC Button Watcher. Nov 20 14:27:43 raspberrypi python3[1032]: Adding Hog device at net# 53 Nov 20 14:27:43 raspberrypi python3[1032]: Adding Hog device at net# 63 Nov 20 14:27:43 raspberrypi python3[1032]: Adding Hog device at net# 12 Nov 20 14:27:43 raspberrypi python3[1032]: Adding Hog device at net# 22 ```